perbedaan sablon manual , transfer paper, Direct to garment

Perbedaan Sablon Manual ,Transfer Paper,Direct to garment
Sablon Manual adalah proses pembuatan suatu design yang di aplikasikan dimedia cetak seperti kaos,kertas,plastik,dll. Dimana cara pembuatannya ada banyak tahap, seperti : desain gambar,pra-afdruk,afdruk,tahap penyablonan, dan yang terakhir penghapusan film pada screen.
Transfer paper adalah proses pembuatan suatu desain di media cetak seperti kaos,sweater,topi,dll.
dimana cara pembuatan yang cukup mudah. Kita hanya membutuhkan Printer dengan tinta sublim, kertas transfer paper,dan hot press.
Direct to garment  adalah proses pembuatan suatu desain di media cetak seperti kaos,sweater,dll.
Dimana cara pengaplikasiannya sangatlah mudah,namun membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar. cara pengaplikasiannya sama seperti kita mengeprint suatu gambar ke kertas.

Differences Sablon Manual, Transfer Paper, Direct to garment
Manual screen printing is the process of making a design that is applied mediated printed like T-shirts, paper, plastic, etc.. Where there are many ways of making stages, such as design drawings, pre-afdruk, afdruk, screen printing stage, and the final elimination of the film on the screen.
Transfer paper is the process of making a design in print media such as t-shirts, sweaters, hats, etc..
where a fairly easy way of making. We just need a printer with sublime ink, paper transfer paper, and hot press.
Direct to garment is the process of making a design in print media such as t-shirts, sweaters, etc..
Ways in which its application is easy, but requires a considerable cost. its application the same way as we are reprinting an image to the paper.

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